For Woman Empowerment
To Conduct and promote such charitable activities for the general welfare of the women and children in the rural, urban, shim areas, and maintain hospitals and charitable dispensaries for rural women and children.
To form women & man self help group and undertake activities for their own development. To promote and envourage primary & Higher educaton, training in handicrafts, cottage, and industries woman and children.
To provide sanitary facilities for woman and children and promote preventive measures affecting the health of woman and children in the rural areas.
To train woman &n men carving out any the aforesaid activities to work for eradication of illiteracy among the rural, urban & slum people, spectrally among poor and downtrodden people.
To render help through grants and contributions to any existing institution doing similar work for woman and children, to promote art, culture handicraft and traditional activities.
To promote training needs and entrepreneurial skills for woman and men entrepreneurs important of training is mainly aimed at providing training needs to rural woman.
The rural woman on their free time can engage themselves in way and further generate emplyment opportunities therby contributing to the economic growth of the nation.
To organise programmes such as dry land develpment poultry develpment opportunism thereby contributing to the economic grownth of the nation.
To arrange for preparing and organisin programmes for the production and development of Khadi and Village Industries, SSI, including training of personnel manufacture and supply of equipment supply of raw materials marketing esearch and study of economic problems of different village industries.
To help self-employed woman & men expand their business through arranging loans from nationalised banks and to improve their professional and social status by giving them training and establishing day care centres for their children to promote woman empowerment.
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