Together To Help The World Better! Please help us change lives around the world.
To help self-employed woman & men expand their business through business through arranging loans from banks and to improve their professional and social status by giving them training and establishing day care centres for their childrens to promote woman empowerment
To get proper approval for the govt. to establish, maintain, run, develop, Kindergarden, Primary, Matriculation, High and Higer secondary schools, colleges, professional courses...
To identify the Socio economic conditions and needs of the the vulnerable sections, laborers in organized and unorganized sectors, consumers, women, children, orphans, ages, sick physically, visually and mentally challenged and all uncared section of Indian society.
Extensive tree planting exercises carried out within and outside of tamilnadu. Planting of trees along the East Coast Road has been initiated with government approval. The Trust is also working closely with two villages for greening their environment by extensive plantation of trees.
To establish Blood bank, Eye bank and to maintain hospitals, science technology and medical research foundations or schools and to register the name fo Eye, Blood donors to the needy persons.
To provide medical and legal and aid and other facilities to displaed and affected persons. And to establish blood bank and run charitable hospitals, conduct health campus, for the benefit of poor and deserving community.
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